"...the whole album feels as if Nick Drake, the Band and Sufjan Stevens collaborated to create a new, distinctive sound... With his words, Thad Kopec explores and dispels the shared solitude and crepuscular intimacy of the mind’s restless wanderings at night."
- Gold Flake Paint
"The Shadow & the Caster isn’t content to offer listeners anything other than total sonic immersion and its songs feel as unlimited and as expansive as the landscapes they often describe... As a body of work, The Shadow & the Caster masterfully balances variety and elemental agreement."
- The Deli
"To listen to Thad Kopec’s music is to sense that it is informed by a great deal of thought, introspection, and reading that isn’t always overtly right there in the song, but rather forms a backstory... It rewards careful attention as well as repeat listening."
- Ravelin Magazine
"Original in scope, The Shadow and the Caster is an album that lingers lightly in the memory – the songs are delicate gossamer threads, the words are the edge of a dream."
- Americana UK
"The Shadow and the Caster sees Kopec shed his singer-songwriter persona as he travels further outside the box."
- The Chimes